Now, after visiting a few malls and running shoes shop, I became confused. There are a lot of nice shoes to choose from. Other than the usual brands- Nike, Adidas and Reebok, other brands have good looking shoes too. New Balance, Salomon, Merell, Mizuno, Asics, Newton, etc. made consumers have a wide variety of brands to choose from. From these options, I asked my friend's advice and he told me he prefers Adidas. I agreed it was a nice choice since I bought my Samba 4 or 5 years ago, been using it regularly and it is still alive and nice to look at. I also had my experiences with Nike but unfortunately, they never last for more than a year. Will I give Reebok a chance or try other brands? I searched the internet about reviews of running shoes and most American say they prefer Saucony, Nike and Adidas. Too bad we do not have a retailer of Saucony brand here in the Philippines.

I will have to wait and see, try one brand this year and probably another one or two next year. Then I will know which brand do I truly prefer and recommend to use for running.
You can give Mizuno a try since we've got free coupons from the run ;). 500 off is quite a savings already
Saucony Pro Grid is the best running shoes rated by Consumer Reports Magazine, and also the one by Asics.
Go and research about it more which shoes are the best for you.
Reebok shoes are the best I think, they are stylish, as every other brand is, but the quality of Reebok shoes is great, they are durable and comfortable, and Reebok Zig Pulse Running shoes are awesome and they are available at different online stores form $79 to $109.
See availability of Reebok Shoes
Just have a try for saucony running shoes. I love it with my smartwool socks. It provide the utmost comfort and support for runners.
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